Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Heart of the Lord

The heart of the Lord is not fragile, though it is tender that it is for sure.
Longing for the return of His children, every heart that is pure.
His gift to us, our will to choose, the Lord will not interfere.
Still His love, mercy and grace are there for those who choose to Him draw near.
He has not left us all alone, in this world so harsh and cold.
His words of life and blessings we have, for those who choose to take hold.
These words I have written down are true, still it breaks my heart.
To see so very many fall away. From His presence depart.
He, Adonai, our Creator, chose to make a way.
After we, His creation chose to disobey.
For us to be with Him once again, for all eternity.
Tho it took sacrificing His own life. He, is the key.

So, why am I writing all this?

I have been in prayer and my heart has been grieving for all the prodigals. 

As I grieved I have seen the heart of the Father - And as sad as mine is, as many tears as have shed, I can not even begin to describe what I have experienced seeing as I have looked upon the face of Abba.

The way I see it is Adam and Eve were the first prodigals.
They were the first ones to experience the Freedom of Free Will. Well with free will comes the responsibility of trust. Which means "great faith". They both failed and terribly so. Their failure changed the course of history for everyone.

(But in the end the Lord swooped in and made a way for us to be with Him for all eternity)

Now, we all have the same free will. everyone one of us, and the same choice to make.
Our surroundings are a bit different. We don't live in the beautiful, perfect, sinless Eden... still, it boils down to,
"Will" we trust God? Will we believe?

You see we no longer (just) have eternal life. At least not right away. Our predecessors ruined that for us. However, God made a way. It took great sacrifice on his part.
He actually had to become Man Himself. (John 1:14 from the brit hadasha) Live among us and one day sacrifice His life for us. Brutally, horrifically.
John 3:18
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but rather so that through him, the world might be saved. 18 Those who trust in him are not judged; those who do not trust have been judged already, in that they have not trusted in the one who is God’s only and unique Son.."

But, make no mistake - the same one who created us - 

ADONAI Eloheim-Tzva'ot
Has made a way, this way, for us to once again live eternally with Him.
It just takes a bit of that "free will" on our part to "choose to believe" God could, would, does, love us that much.


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